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Geoffrey Wilcken Publishing (ASCAP)
When you make an order, keep the "Thank You" screen open - when your payment has been processed, a "Download" link will appear next to the miniature image of the document you purchased. Click that link to receive your purchase. If I ever find a way to make the process more obvious and intuitive, I will certainly do it!
This site is under construction; new titles are being added!
Please check back again as products, sample views, and sample audio will be added
Notes about the shop:
• Currently, only digital (downloadable) copies are for sale. Sale of printed copies through the site are under consideration, but not yet implemented.
• Instrumental works come with a complete score and part set.
• Choral works are offered with a license to print or digitally view copies at four price points:
(1) Single Copy - one copy for personal study or examination.
(2) Small Ensemble - for an ensemble of up to 24 members, plus conductor and accompanist/rehearsal assistant.
(3) Medium Ensemble - for an ensemble of 25-72 members, plus conductor and accompanist/rehearsal assistant.
(4) Large Ensemble - for an ensemble of 73 or more, plus conductor and accompanist/rehearsal assistant.
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